Unique and Descriptive More Tags

“Read More” is a common phrase after a few lines of an article. Typically, we read a few lines, and if our interest is piqued we continue to the full article. “Read More” is done through a more tag.

A more tag looks like this in HTML: !--more--, surrounded by angle brackets (not included in sample code). It can be in the midst of a paragraph or during a natural break in the text. However, a link saying “Read More” for multiple articles is not accessible. For example, a screen reader user may ask the screen reader to summarize all the links on a page into one document. This user, confronted with multiple “Read More” links, will have no idea to which article each link points. Giving your more tag a unique and descriptive name assists users who access your site through alternative methods.

You can update individual more tags by taking the preconfigured tag and adding custom text:
Pre-made more tag: !--more--
Custom more tag: !--more Custom Text Here--

An example of custom text might be the name of your article: !--more Continue Reading "Unique and Descriptive More Tags"--

Updating more tags helps screen reader users know where a link goes, reducing confusion.