Accessible Color Combinations

Please do not use greyed-out color combinations; they do not meet a color contrast ratio of 4.5:1, so they do not conform with the WCAG 2.1 standards for body text.  This means that some people would have difficulty reading the text.  Employing accessibility best practices imrpoves the user experience for all users.

Navy Blue text



White text



Grey text



Black Text



color Navy Blue background


this color combination does not have high enough contrast Sample Text Sample Text this color combination does not have high enough contrast
White background


Sample Text this color combination does not have high enough contrast this color combination does not have high enough contrast Sample Text
Grey background #7C878E Sample Text this color combination does not have high enough contrast this color combination does not have high enough contrast Sample Text
Black background #000000 this color combination does not have high enough contrast Sample Text Sample Text this color combination does not have high enough contrast