Pilot Elements

Not only is this site a resource for accessible design, it is also a space to pilot accessibility elements. Choose a post to learn more about our latest pilots.


Headings are common in articles, papers, and web pages. Typically, headings will look different than paragraph text so that they stand out visually. We might bold, underline, or italicize text, or simply enlarge it for a heading. For sighted users, these headings are a way to skim through a page and quickly extract big ideas.

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Unique and Descriptive More Tags

“Read More” is a common phrase after a few lines of an article. Typically, we read a few lines, and if our interest is piqued we continue to the full article. “Read More” is done through a more tag.

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Navigation Focus

This website incorporates recommended IT accessibility features and pilots emerging solutions. In a series of posts, we will focus on the different elements in accessible web design, why including these features are important, and how you can add these features to your site.

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