
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)

  • Incorporate captioning and media accessibility information into training
  • Provide assistance in creating videos and coordinating captioning services
  • Provide instruction and support for campus community members creating online courses and online instructional content

Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD)

  • Serve as a resource to the campus community to ensure a comprehensively accessibly University experience where individuals with disabilities have the same access to programs, opportunities and activities as all others
  • Provide technical assistance regarding assistive technologies to the University community
  • Collaborate with instructors, CETL, UConn Library, and the greater University community in the provision of captioned material for students with disabilities as indicated in their academic and programmatic activities

Human Resources

  • Coordinate support for employees requiring accommodations

IT Accessibility Coordinator and ICTAC

  • Serve as a resource for ICT purchases and other acquisitions for compliance with accessibility requirements


  • Provide instruction and support for campus community members creating online courses and online instructional content
  • Coordinate support for non-central IT and campus units needing assistance with accessibility in departmentally supported technology classrooms
  • Provide accessible document instruction and support for campus community members
  • Maintain and continue to provide instructions on media accessibility (such as captioning media and transcribing audio) as well as how to show captioned media in classrooms
  • Incorporate accessibility into faculty training on AV equipment information about accessibility


  • Assist faculty in identifying materials that are captioned prior to purchase